Prototype III — 5 in 5
I came up with the idea of having a custom lighter. This lighter like others will not just help people in lighting a cigarette but will have a simulation of the voice of the loved ones i.e., family and friends of the person reaching out to light the cigarette.
This lighter is build with the help of Arduino to include custom voice recording in addition to the flame. The intent is to make people realize about the impact of the cigarette on their health as well as an extended impact on the people around them.
One of the major challenges that I faced was to get a validation on this idea on whether or not people will accept this concept. And from another point of view, once people know about the concept will they opt to use this lighter again.
Another challenge was to develop the prototype for this kind of a lighter with the given hardware, also because I lack expertise.
Future plan:
The next action item is to optimize the lighter and include better and close to real simulation.