Prototype IV — 5 in 5



The idea is to show and make people realize the amount and severity of damage that smoking causes to their lungs even by one cigarette by the means of an experiment.

By the representation of lungs as a filter paper and a simulation of respiratory tract and an actual cigarette, the intent is to reproduce the what happens when a cigarette enters our body.

Step 1
Step 2


With the help of a friend, I managed to perform this experiment. We took a plastic bottle to represent the lungs and pierced 2 holes through it, one on it’s cap and the other at the bottom. Then blocked the bottom hole with a pen and filled water in the bottle.

In the hole at the top of the bottle, I placed a cigarette, removed the pen and let the cigarette burn. After sometime, the bottle was filled with smoke. Then I opened the bottle and placed a tissue paper on the lid. The tissue paper turned tan as can be seen in the video.

An Experimental Video


The challenge here was when I shared the video of this experiment with people in my circle who smoke and asked for their point of view. To my surprise, a lot chose to ignore this message and did not reply.



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